Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (2024)


Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide

Last Updated: August 11th 2024

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11.0 - The War Within

Welcome to the Preservation Evoker Mythic+ guide for World of Warcraft patch 11.0! Here, you find anything needed to maximize your character. Let’s give you a brief glimpse of what you signed up for.

Playing a Preservation Evoker is a unique experience compared to any other healer in the game, as your abilties have 30 yards range. To make up for this you have exceptionally high mobility which allows you to catch your allies in range.

Evokers have their own class specific spell mechanic: Empower. An empowered spell changes their effect depending on how long you channel them.

In the following sections, delve deeper into strategies to help you excel as a Preservation Evoker in patch 11.0. Get ready to master this very fun and unique healer!


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (1)Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (2)

Preservation EvokerMythic+

Overall Healing










  • Preservation Evoker is a very strong healer in dungeons, you will bring a unique option of strong burst healing, sustained healing, and also having very strong cooldowns like Rewind, which uniquely rewinds a portion of the damage taken in the last 5 seconds, when used well it can solo heal almost any damage intake event.
  • Especially in dungeons, Preservation Evokers can also deal a great amount of burst dps, and on top of that, you bring great utility to the group.
  • The price you have to pay for all of this is being limited to 30 yards range as Preservation Evoker, which means that positioning is a crucial element that you will need to play around. However, with good planning, Preservation Evoker can perform very well in dungeons.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

When to use this Spec

This is the default loadout going into any dungeon as it specializes in survivability. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the affix and dungeon combo. To make your life easier, Dungeon specific talent loadouts are available in the Dungeons section.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Rewind
    • Applies to 33% of the damage taken in the last 5 seconds, you heal that amount back.
  • Time Dilation
    • Your external cooldown staggers 50% of the damage taken over the next 8 seconds.
  • Emerald Communion
    • Heals you and recovers some mana, any overhealing heals instead of an injured ally.
    • When paired together with Lifebind this is a very powerful cooldown.
  • Call of Ysera
    • Verdant Embrace increases the healing of your next Dream Breath by 40% or your next Living Flame by 100%.
  • Resonating Sphere
    • Temporal Anomaly applies Echo at 30% effectiveness.
  • Stasis
    • Duplicate and store your next 3 healing spells.
  • Lifebind
    • Verdant Embrace applies Lifebind which causes your healing on either partner to heal the other for 40% of the amount, and lasts 5 seconds.
  • Lifespark
    • Your Reversion has a chance to cause your Living Flame to be instant and deal 50% more damage.

Class Tree

  • Zephyr
    • Reduce damage taken from AoE effects by 20% to all allies within 20 yards for 8 seconds. Also increases movement speed by 30%.
  • Tip the Scales
    • Makes your next Empowered spell instant cast at max rank.
  • Cauterizing Flame
    • Unique dispel that removes bleeds, as well as poison, curse, and disease.
  • Oppressing Roar
    • A frontal cone that increases CC duration by 50% on enemies hit.
    • If talented into Overawe this ability also dispels all Enrage effects on enemies hit. It also has its cooldown reduced based on the amount of targets hit.
  • Twin Guardian
    • Turns Rescue into a strong defensive.
  • Fire Within
    • Reduces the cooldown of Renewing Blaze by 30 seconds.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Tier Set

  • (2pc): Spiritbloom applies a heal over time effect for 40% of healing done over 8 seconds. Dream Breath's healing is increased by 15%.
  • (4pc): After casting 5 empower spells, gain Essence Burst immediately and another 3 seconds later.

This tier set further emphasizes using your empower spells on cooldown to get as much usage of the 4 set as possible. The 2 set bonus also heavily incentivizes Spiritbloom for big heals.

Priority List

For Healing

  1. Cast Fire Breath on cooldown to gain Leaping Flames.
  2. Cast Dream Breath whenever you have Call of Ysera, empower it accordingly to how urgent the healing is.
  3. Cast Temporal Anomaly to apply Echo.
  4. Cast Spiritbloom, empower depending on how many party members need healing.
  5. Spend Essence on Echo.
  6. Use Verdant Embrace, keep in mind that you preferably don't spend Call of Ysera on Living Flames if you have the option to use it on Dream Breath.
  7. Maintain Reversion on whatever target requires healing.
  8. Cast Living Flame to gain Essence Burst for free Essence casts.

For Damage

  1. Cast Fire Breath on cooldown.
  2. Cast Deep Breath if 3 or more targets and there's no danger of dying during the animation.
  3. Cast Living Flame.


Verdant Embrace

  • Verdant Embrace essentially becomes a healing cooldown due to Lifebind. Setting this up in combination with Echo is very powerful when used in conjunction with Emerald Communion.

Time Dilation

  • Time Dilation is your go-to external whenever there's an ally in danger.


  • Stasis is a good gap filler between your other healing cooldowns. If there's a dangerous damage event coming up when your Verdant Embrace / Dream Breath combo is on cooldown you should utilize Stasis instead with for example Temporal Anomaly, Spiritbloom and Dream Breath.

Tip the Scales

  • Tip the Scales is a good panic button in combination with Dream Breath or Spiritbloom.


  • Rewind is the strongest cooldown Evoker has by far and can single-handedly salvage almost any dangerous situation. Due to its massive cooldown, it's best to plan for when you want to use it.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

These are the rotational mechanics you need to execute correctly to maximize your output as a Preservation Evoker in Mythic+.

Min maxing Lifebind

  • Set up with Echo on you and the other 3 dps, you can do tank as well but that's not needed. Use Verdant Embrace right after the big damage intake happens, and cast Emerald Communion for a massive heal on your group. You can more or less heal any damage intake event with this combo. You can also use Spiritbloom and instant cast Living Flame when Emerald Communion is on cooldown and this will do a lot of healing as well.

Min maxing Rewind

  • The more damage you have taken, the more healing Rewind will do. Try and hold off using it so your party takes as much damage as possible but if someone drops below 30% hp, then you should use it, don't let anyone die by greeding this cooldown.

Tier Set min maxing

  • (2pc): Casting max rank Spiritbloom makes sure you get the most value out of Spiritbloom, the Dream Breath applies no matter what rank you cast it on.
  • (4pc): Try to make sure to cast your empowered spells on cooldown if possible, Fire Breath, Spiritbloom, and Dream Breath apply to this Tier Set.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

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Algeth'ar Academy

Brackenhide Hollow

Halls of Infusion


Ruby Life Pools

The Azure Vault

The Nokhud Offensive

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Boss Tips


  • General Tips
    • Make sure to cast Naturalize on the tank so he can soak multiple Arcane Orbs.
  • Output Cds
    • Use either a cooldown, or ramp up a big Echo into either Dream Breath or Spiritbloom on every Mana Bomb.
  • Personal/External
    • Whenever you are targeted by a Mana Bomb, make sure that you have Obsidian Scales or Twin Guardian for the last tick.
    • Don't hesitate to use Time Dilation on anyone just make sure to use it as soon as the Mana Bomb spawns to make the most use of it.
    • Around 2 minutes into the fight there is a very dangerous overlap of Mana Bomb & Arcane Fissure, this is a good time to use Rewind.

Overgrown Ancient

  • General Tips
    • Always prioritize dispelling your tank on cooldown!
  • Output Cds
    • Before each each Burst Forth you want to have everyone topped, you can use Rewind right after for a big heal, or use a Lifebind Emerald Communion combo to top everyone before and after Burst Forth.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to have Obsidian Scales active each Burst Forth, Zephyr can also be utilized on every 2nd Burst Forth as it comes once per minute.
    • Dispell Splinterbark as much as possible with Cauterizing Flame on the tank.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Cauterizing Flame as often as possible or whenever your tank wants it on Savage Peck, to heal your tank, if your key level is not high enough make sure to combine them with the damage amp phase of the boss.
    • Only Dream Breath or Reversion alone should be enough to top the group between every Deafening Screech.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure you only use your‍Obsidian Scalesafter 2+ stacks of‍Sonic Vulnerability. Utilize Twin Guardian and Zephyr on the early Deafening Screeches.
    • Do not be hesitant to use Time Dilation on your tank.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Output Cds
    • There is very little to heal on this boss so use Rewind if anyone explodes on the pull in dealing big group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Obsidian Scales every time you have Energy Bomb as it's basically the only predictable damage event of the fight. Use Time Dilation only on Energy Bomb targets if you cannot top off their health before the debuff ends due to movement.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • The mobs in Crawths Area do not do group dmg so be sure to not sit on your cds and use them for damage instead.
  • Personal/External
    • Preemptively use Defensive Cooldowns when in combat with Aggravated Skitterflies or Arcane Foragers since they jump and damage random people in combat with them and while initially it does not seem needed you can prevent an unlucky case of being focused by multiple at the same time.
    • When you get hit by a Spectral Invokers Arcane Missiles you should use a strong defensive as well incase your Group did run out of stops!
  • Utility
    • Dispell the bleed from Spellbound Battleaxes with Cauterizing Flame on your tank.
    • Tail Swipe is a very strong AoE stop on many of the trash pulls in this dungeon.

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • General Tips
    • Make sure to Dispel your tank as highest priority.
    • Kick the boss if Greater Healing Rapids looks like it's going to go off.
  • Output Cds
    • Use both Dream Breath and Verdant Embrace to counter the Gash Frenzy DoT.
    • Be ready to use Rewind to top everyone after Gash Frenzy.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Obsidian Scales and Renewing Blaze on Gash Frenzy.
    • Use both Cauterizing Flame and Time Dilation to counter the Gash Frenzy DoT.
    • Your tank might need Time Dilation to soak Savage Charge if he is low on defensives.


  • General Tips
    • Make sure to utilize Tail Swipe & Wing Buffet to control the Decaying Slimes that spawn from Decay Spray before they complete their Gushing Ooze cast.
  • Output Cds
    • Maximize your damage output.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Time Dilation and Rewind as needed to deal with Grasping Vines.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind if someone starts to get bit by the dogs. Otherwise, maximize your dps.
  • Personal/External
    • No planned uses, use your stuff freely if things go wrong.

Decatriach Wratheye

  • Output Cds
    • Use Fire Breath and be ready to dps Rotburst Totem, as its the most common reason for a wipe.
    • Save every cooldown if the Rotburst Totem, goes through, as you may be able to survive it until it cleanses.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Obsidian Scales or Twin Guardian for Withered Eruption.
      • Zephyr works on this mechanic and should be used for your groups convenience so they can focus on pumping the Rotburst Totem.
    • Use Time Dilation on the tank for Decaystrike, so he can heal it off easier and be able to hit totems again.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Have your group use personal defensive abilities while fighting Bonebolt Hunters if your output cooldowns are unavailable.
    • If your group is unable to stand on the avoid spots while fighting Wilted Oaks, your party takes very heavy, nearly unhealable damage. Make sure to use your entire defensive spell book there, because the upcoming boss, Treemouth, does not require any of those.
    • When fighting any Vile Rothexer, your top priority is to immediately dispel the disease caused by Withering Contagion, as it results in a one-shot kill.
  • Personal/External
    • When you have multiple stacks of Bleeding make sure to press at least one of your bigger defensives.
  • Utility
    • If a Vile Rothexer is casting Siphon Decay you can use Cauterizing Flame to save someone with Withering Contagion.
    • Preferably your group has a disease dispel so this won't be necessary.

Boss Tips

Watcher Irideus

  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to always have an output cooldown ready for Static Surge. If you fall behind, be ready to use Rewind.
  • Personal/External
    • Always ask for personal cooldowns for Static Surge. At higher key levels, no one survives this with just healing.
      • Zephyr works on this mechanic and should be utilized when your group as a collective has a low amount of defensives.
    • Rotate Obsidian Scales and Twin Guardian during Static Surge.
    • Use Potion of Withering Dreams and Healthstone as defensives in this fight, and plan ahead.

Gulping Goliath

  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind if at any event you are not prepared. Toxic Effluvia is survivable by just healing through it, even at the highest key levels, so prepare some Echo to use with Dream Breath or Spiritbloom
  • Personal/External
    • Split up your defensive arsenal to counter Overpowering Croak, communicate this with your group beforehand that one personal might not be enough on the highest key levels.
      • Zephyr works on this mechanic and should be utilized when you and your group runs low on defensives.

Khajin the Unyielding

  • Output Cds
    • You want to spread out your use of cooldowns throughout this fight to ensure a constant stream of high HPS, as maintaining healing output is the biggest challenge in this encounter.
  • Personal/External
    • Since the damage on this fight is constant throughout the fight you should aim to get as many uses as possible of all defensives and externals, preferably when you have gaps in your own healing.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.

Primal Tsunami

  • Output Cds
    • Maximize your dps, be ready with Rewind if anyone drops low randomly.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to rotate Obsidian Scales and Twin Guardian for Tempest's Fury.
    • Zephyr works on this mechanic and can be used once per phase whenever your group runs low on defensives.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at 100% HP before Tempest's Fury.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for multiple sets of Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto-Dragons. If someone won't be able to remove it, you need to have an output cooldown ready to heal through the debuff.
    • Zephyr works on this mechanic.
  • Personal/External
    • Always press one of your personals when targeted by Containment Beam.
    • While fighting Shocktroopers, use a defensive cooldown when you lose health, as Lightning Blast might kill you.
  • Utility
    • You can use Expunge to dispel Gulp Swog Toxin if someone gets hit.

Boss Tips

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Output Cds
    • Rotate between your cooldowns when your group breaks its chains, as this is the highest group damage intake!
  • Personal/External
    • Have your tank baitDragon Strike by being the furthest target and then dispel him with Cauterizing Flame.
    • You want to use Twin Guardian on every Grounding Spear.
    • Make sure to have Obsidian Scales when your group is breaking the chains.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Output Cds
    • Use cooldowns as Might of the Forge is happening to heal the initial damage and the subsequent Blazing Aegis DoT. For example use the combo Emerald Communion with Lifebind to heal through the initial hit and DoT.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to have a defensive up as Might of the Forge is about to happen, as the initial hit might kill you.
    • Use Renewing Blaze on Blazing Aegis.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.


  • Output Cds
    • Prepare a nice ramp with Echo for every Magma Eruption and be ready to use any cooldown if it's not enough, you want to use your whole empowered spell arsenal on this dot.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensives to reduce the initial hit of Magma Eruption every time.
    • Use Time Dilation on Lava Spray.

Warlord Sargha

  • Output Cds
    • Be ready to use your cooldowns when the boss is about to cast Magma Shield if someone misses or is late with their item and the shield ticks a few extra times.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through defensives when you get Molten Gold. Use Time Dilation on a person when Magma Shield is about to happen.
    • You can help with the curse dispels once per minute by using Cauterizing Flame.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • When fighting Apex Blazewings, make sure to plan ahead and have one of your output cooldowns ready for Candescent Tempest. If you don't, ask for personal defensives.
  • Personal/External
    • When someone gest the bleed from Bold Ambush while fighting Qalashi Hunters make sure to dispel them whenever Cauterizing Flame is available.
    • When a Qalashi Blacksmith is casting Forgestomp, and you are not topped off or are simultaneously fighting mobs that do group damage, use a defensive cooldown.
    • Keep an eye out for Qalashi Bonesplitter's Dragonbone Axe and stop it with Tail Swipe or dispel it with Cauterizing Flame.
  • Utility
    • Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet are very useful AoE stops on basically every trash pull in this dungeon as they all require an immense amount of stops.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • General Tips
    • Always cast Naturalize on your Tank when he has multiple stacks of Primal Chill. It can not ever reach 10 stacks.
  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns separately from each other to handle as many Chillstorm and Frost Overload as possible.
    • Try to ramp with Echo on Dream Breath or Spiritbloom for every event as it may be enough to heal through it.
  • Personal/External
    • You need to have a defensive for every single Chillstorm, regardless of whether you are the target or not. On the highest keys, you might also need to use one during the intermission.
    • Renewing Blaze is very powerful during the intermissions and should be utilized there.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at high health before Chillstorm explodes.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Output Cds
    • Ramp with Echo on Dream Breath or Spiritbloom for every event as it may be enough to heal through the Inferno DoT. If it's not enough be ready with a Rewind.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to utilize Obsidian Scales and Zephyr when an Elemental is about to finish its Inferno cast.
    • This is the only damage event of the fight.
    • Your tank might need your Time Dilation and Cauterizing Flame as Searing Blows is one of the most vicious tank mechanics this season.

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

  • Output Cds
    • In Phase One, you won't need any healing cooldowns, so maximize your dps.
    • In Phase Two, use a cooldown on eachFlamespit, as it now affects multiple people. And you hopefully don't get too many of them, if you get through this Phase the boss is done.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to use Obsidian Scales when you are targeted by Flamespit.
    • Rotate your Time Dilation and Twin Guardian as externals for Flamespit.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams when there is a potential overlap of Interrupting Cloudburst and Flamespit.
    • Rewind should be utilized in Phase 2 of this encounter when multiple people get Flamespit and it overlaps with Interrupting Cloudburst.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for each Blazebound Destroyer in the area before the second boss, as you need a cooldown for each Inferno cast.
    • When fighting Flamegullet, make sure to use your cooldowns after it hits 50% HP because Molten Blood starts dealing damage at that point.
    • While fighting a Tempest Channeler or High Channeler Ryvati in the third boss area, make sure that your group is stacking for your Dream Breath and Emerald Blossom.
    • While fighting Defier Draghar and Primal Juggernaut your tank can make good use of Time Dilation as their tank busters are very frequest and deadly.
  • Personal/External
    • Plan ahead for each Blazebound Destroyer in the area before the second boss, your Group always needs to press a defensive on each Inferno.
    • When fighting Thunderhead, make sure to dispel Rolling Thunder as soon as possible, as the explosion damage is easily mitigated by defensives, while the DoT from the debuff is the lethal part.
  • Utility
    • Make sure to stop Tectonic Slam with your Tail Swipe & Sleep Walk
    • Utilize your Tail Swipe & Wing Buffet to stop Flame Dance from Primalist Flamedancers which is heavily advised as it deals very high damage to the tank if it's not stopped.
    • If someone gets hit by Blazing Rush and miraculously survive it make sure to instantly use Cauterizing Flame on them or they might perish to the bleed.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns to quickly top off your group after Explosive Brand so they are prepared for the incoming Consuming Stomp.
    • You can use the Emerald Communion and Lifebind to heal up after Explosive Brand but also after Consuming Stomp, and also feel save yourself with the 20% extra hp.
      • Be careful with healing aggro on all the Bubbling Sapplings that spawn from Explosive Brand.
  • Personal/External
    • If you use Obsidian Scales the very last second before Explosive Brand explodes then it lasts for Consuming Stomp.
    • You need to use one of your defensive for each Consuming Stomp.
      • Zephyr works for this mechanic and should be utilized multiple times throughout the fight.


  • Output Cds
    • Save every cooldown and have your empowered spells ready for the intermission, as it's a long drawn out event that needs a lot of healing.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensive arsenal during the intermission as there is no damage event in the regular phase.

Telash Greywing

  • Output Cds
    • On each Frost Bomb you need to top the group up before the Icy Devastator is cast on an ally, if you are caught off guard, use any cooldown to save them.
  • Personal/External
    • Use a personal every time you are targeted by Icy Devastator.
    • Utilize Zephyr for every 2nd cast of Absolute Zero and then fill the gaps with Obsidian Scales.


  • Output Cds
    • Save and use all cooldowns for when a Hardened Crystal is up, besides that it's only tank healing that needs attention.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through all your defensives while the Hardened Crystal is up. This is the only deadly damage of the fight.
      • The crystals spawn at 75%, 50% and 25% boss hp.
    • Do not hesitate to use Potion of Withering Dreams and Healthstone during the Hardened Crystal damage.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • The only trash that deals group damage if everything goes right are the Drakonid Breakers, so make sure to have your cooldowns ready for those.
  • Personal/External
    • When targeted by Shoulder Slam make sure to use a big defensive or give your group members Time Dilation for it.
    • Sometimes Shoulder Slam is quickly followed by Bestial Roar which can be very deadly.
  • Utility
    • One of the important interrupts in this dungeon is Icy Bindings from the Rune Seal Keeper's since it's usually paired with other adds that spawn void zones under your feet that you obviously can't dodge if you're rooted.
    • This cast can be stopped by all of your AoE crowd control if necessary.
    • If a Waking Bane goes off and you are unable to dispel it you can Rescue then target out of deadly AoE effects.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Maximize your dps here, and make sure everyone is topped before Shards of Stone.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate between Obsidian Scales, Zephyr and Twin Guardian to survive Shards of Stone. Since it has around a 30-second cooldown, you need to make use of your entire defensive arsenal.

The Raging Tempest

  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind if you fall behind on Electrical Storm, as this is the most deadly part of the encounter.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives on Lightning Strike.
    • Since Electrical Storm is on a 1 minute rotation you can use Renewing Blaze for all of them and Zephyr for every 2nd.
    • You can use Temporal Anomaly before Lightning Strike, as Surge of Power also increases absorbs.

Teera and Maruuk

  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind quickly after Gale Arrow, as Teera rapidly starts to use Quick Shot again, unless you prepare some good Echo with Dream Breath or Spiritbloom.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Obsidian Scales and Twin Guardian whenever Gale Arrow happens.
    • Be aware of getting hit by Quick Shot back to back. Be sure to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.

Balakar Khan

  • General Tips
    • In phase 2, always make dispelling Conductive Strike from your tank your highest priority.
  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind during the intermission if the adds live for a long time, as it demands extremely high HPS.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams during the intermission. Make sure your group has the same mindset here.
  • Personal/External
    • In Phase 1 when Upheaval happens make sure to have a small defensive or an absorb from Temporal Anomaly.
    • When you are targeted by Iron Spear, make sure to pop Obsidian Scales.
    • In Phase 2 Crackling Upheaval is empowered and deals more damage so you should utilize Twin Guardian here to save a defensive usage for both you and a teammate.
    • When targeted by Static Spear you need massive damage reduction as this spell deals way more damage in Phase 2.
      • Depending on the key level you might die even with Obsidian Scales.
      • If you get targeted multiple times, you might need to be combat resurrected.
    • You can decrease your tanks damage intake by 500% if you dispel Rending Strike & Conductive Strike with your Cauterizing Flame.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to use your output cooldowns when fighting Nokhud Warspears and Longbows in Granyth's area, as they deal significant group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives without hesitation while fighting Nokhud Warspears and Longbows, as it is very easy to be overwhelmed by their attacks.
      • Preferably you use Rescue to one of many bug spots to completely avoid Swift Stab for you and your group.
    • Use any of your defensives when targeted by Chain Lightning from a Primalist Thunderbeast.
    • When Totemic Overload is happening and you are not at 100% HP, use a defensive without hesitation.
    • When Shatter Soul is happening and you are not at 100% HP, use a defensive without hesitation.
  • Utility
    • This Dungeon has a lot of mobs that need to be stopped to prevent casts that can wipe the group so make sure to use Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet if necessary to stop these enemies:
      • Nokhud Hornsounder Rally the Clan.
      • Nokhud Beastmaster Hunt Prey.
      • Desecrated Ohuna Rotting Wind.
      • Risen Mystic Swift Wind.
    • If one of your teammates gets hit by Swift Stab you can dispel the bleed with Cauterizing Flame.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns during the ultimate longboat raid.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through defensives when targeted by Ricocheting Shield.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Rewind on Quaking Totems, if the totem seems to live for a long time, you should be able to heal through it with a Echo ramp into Dream Breath or Spiritbloom.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives whenever a Quaking Totem is active as this is a very deadly part of the fight.

Sentinel Talondras

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns to save the person with Earthen Shards before the AoE Crushing Stomp.
  • Personal/External
    • Dispel as many Earthen Shards as possible Cauterizing Flame.
    • Rotate through your entire defensive arsenal whenever you are targeted by Earthen Shards.
    • Make sure to have Twin Guardian or Temporal Anomaly absorb whenever Crushing Stomp is cast.


  • Output Cds
    • Use your Stasis and Emerald Communion as soon as they are off cooldown during the intermission as well to help deal with the constant damage.
    • If someone in your party drops very low make sure to use Rewind to save them.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensives when Unstable Embers happens, as this likely kills you.

Chrono-Lord Deios

  • Output Cds
    • This fight has very high HPS requirements, so we need to maximize the value from ourStasis.
    • Ideally you don't need to use a cooldown during Rewind Timeflow so prepare some Echo ramps for it.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives for every single Wing Buffet as this kills you on higher keys.
    • Zephyr will be a life saver for anyone in your group if they don't have a defensive up before Wing Buffet.
    • Dispel 1 teammate who is affected by Time Sink.
      • Many classes can remove this by themselves so keep this in mind before you dispel.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Runic Protectors deal intense group damage when they channel Earthquake, so make sure to have at least one of your cooldowns ready.
    • When fighting Infinite Timereavers, make sure to have either Divine Word or Apotheosis ready.
  • Personal/External
    • When fighting Leapers, make sure to use a personal defensive preemptively, as multiple Ambushes can combo you.
    • When fighting Earthen Weavers, if their Hail of Stone gets to channel, do not hesitate to use a defensive.
    • When fighting Runic Protectors and they channel Earthquake make sure to rotate through your defensives.
  • Utility
    • Refti Custodian's are the main tank killer with their Jagged Bite the bleed it applies is really dangerous and can be dispelled with Cauterizing Flame.
    • Some noteworthy adds that can/should be stopped with Tail Swipe:
      • Vicious Basilisk Spiked Carapace.
      • Stonevault Geomancer Chain Lightning.
      • Earthen Weaver Hail of Stone.
      • Earthen Warder Curse of Stone.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as a Preservation Evoker. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon, you contend with up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Storming
    • Hover lets you cast most spells while moving and also quickly reposition if you get knocked at the wrong moment.
    • Rescue can save a teammate that gets knocked at an unfortunate timing.
  • Entangling
    • Hover lets you cast most spells while moving so this affix is rarely a problem.
  • Incorporeal
    • Sleep Walk
    • Quell
  • Afflicted
    • Naturalize
  • Spiteful
    • Wing Buffet
  • Volcanic
    • Hover once again counters this affix to a certain degree by allowing you to cast while moving.
  • Raging
    • Overawe is the most effective tool in the game for dealing with Raging.
  • Bursting
    • Naturalize
    • Renewing Blaze great defensive for DoT damage.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Preservation Evoker. For more detailed information, visit theStats and Attributesguide.

The conclusion here is that you want to equip the highest item level generally.

Blizzard introduced Stat DRs that you need to be aware of. To get to know what those are and why you have to care about them click here to get to our detailed stat DR resource post!


  • Avoidance - Reduces damage taken from AoE effects.
  • Leech - Returns a portion of your damage and healing done as healing to you. (Excludes self healing)
  • Speed - increases movement speed. (Does stack with other movement speed abilities)

The only time you should think about picking a lower item level is if it has Leech or Avoidance. Speed is nice to have, but you should generally ignore that stat.

Here is a showcase of how powerful Leech is for a Healer:

Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (3)


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Best in Slot

Farmable Alternatives

Due to the way stat weights work for Preservation Evoker, there isn't a strict best-in-slot list. Although it is theoretically possible to obtain items with all the correct Tertiaries, doing so requires extraordinary luck or several human lifespans because of the weekly reset system in World of Warcraft.

HeadCrown of the AwakenedTier / Catalyst
NeckElemental LariatCrafting
ShouldersTalons of the AwakenedTier / Catalyst
CloakPotion-Stained CloakAlgeth'ar Academy
ChestHauberk of the AwakenedTier / Catalyst
WristComplicated CuffsCrafting
GlovesGauntlets of the AwakenedTier / Catalyst
BeltSwollen Bark ClaspBrackenhide Hollow
LegsAllied Legguards of Sansok KhanCrafting
BootsTreads of the AwakenedCatalyst
Ring 1Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Ring 2Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper
WeaponNasz'uro, the Unbound LegacyQuestline / Bullion
OffhandIrontorch IgniterNeltharion
Trinket 1Ward of Faceless IreNeltharion
Trinket 2Ominous Chromatic EssenceForgotten Experiments

Authors Note:

This list shows the best items for healing in raids from all sources. Keep in mind that getting different tier pieces with Leech / Avoidance changes which off-piece is best for you. Likewise, any other non-trinket item with Leech / Avoidance replaces the one suggested here.

Below you are presented a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadBlazebound Lieutenant's HelmRuby Life Pools
NeckTuskarr Bone NecklaceBrackenhide Hollow
ShouldersRooted Shoulders of PutrefactionBrackenhide Hollow
CloakMammoth-Trainer's DrapeNeltharus
ChestEmberguard HarnessNeltharus
WristFierce Boreal ArmguardsUldaman
GlovesGalerattle GauntletsRuby Life Pools
BeltAzure Belt of CompetitionAlgeth'ar Academy
LegsTassets of Densified OozeBrackenhide Hollow
BootsBoots of Explosive GrowthAlgeth'ar Academy
Ring 1Thunderous Downburst RingNokhud Offensive
Ring 2Bloodied Wedding RingBrackenhide Hollow
WeaponTz'onna, Fear-StrikerAzure Vault
OffhandRod of Perfect OrderHalls of Infusion
Trinket 1Spoils of NeltharusNeltharus
Trinket 2Water's Beating HeartHalls of Infusion


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • Strong on-use burst damage; Great for Brackenhide Hollow.
  • Broodkeeper's Promise
    • Good stat stick trinket which buffs an ally with stats as well.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Screaming Black Dragonscale
    • Good stat stick that buffs you with crit and leech.
  • Whispering Incarnate Icon
    • Better or worse depending on how many people in your group are using it.
  • Tome of Unstable Power
    • Very strong damage trinket but provides no healing power.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

  • Elemental Lariat
    • Strong Stat stick, gets stronger with more sockets, outperforms all other options.
  • Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan
    • Buffs your allies which speeds up the key.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Enhance your gear with powerful enchantments to improve your Preservation Evoker's performance in Mythic+ dungeons. They boost your stats, increase your damage, enhance your survivability, and provide additional benefits such as more movement speed among others.

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Watcher's Loam
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Haste
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Sophic Devotion

If you reach 20% avoidance make sure to swap avoidance for leech enchants: Enchant Cloak - Regenerative Leech and Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Leech


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker


  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- Generally the best
  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- For maximum Output


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power -- Generally the best
  • Potion of Shocking Disclosure -- AoE damage potion
  • Aerated Mana Potion -- When stuff goes wrong

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- Big Burst of healing, but leaves a dot behind.
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- Less healing upfront but an additional small heal overtime.

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune -- Default
  • Buzzing Rune -- If you have reached haste stat dr

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Fierce Illimited Diamond --- Unique, made by work order
  • Energized Ysemerald


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Macro Import Guide Video

Mouseover Macros

All spells in this Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide are available as mouseover macros for your convenience!

Emerald Blossom

/cast [@mouseover, help] Emerald Blossom; Emerald Blossom


/cast [@mouseover, help] Echo; Echo


/cast [@mouseover, help] Spiritbloom; Spiritbloom


/cast [@mouseover, help] Naturalize; Naturalize

Cauterizing Flame

/cast [@mouseover, help] Cauterizing Flame; Cauterizing Flame


/cast [@mouseover, help] Reversion ; Reversion

Verdant Embrace

/cast [@mouseover, help] Verdant Embrace; Verdant Embrace

Recommended Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Preservation Evoker, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ Dungeons to make your life easier.

Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (4)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Preservation Evoker

Q: Why do I run out of Mana?

Q: Why do people die if I don't have my cooldowns?

Q: What spell do I use with Echo?


Written By: Velo, Wolfdisco

Reviewed By: Rycn

Preservation Evoker Mythic+ Guide (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.